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I began volunteering for School on Wheels, a non-profit organization dedicated to tutoring homeless children, in march of 2021. I thought this was an experience worth sharing with other students so I reached out to a SOW regional coordinator to start a School on Wheels chapter at UCSB. The coordinator thought this was a great idea, however, informed me that I had to come up with the club organization on my own. It was difficult to create the leadership framework and organization, so I contacted other college chapters  for advice.

I wrote the club constitution, created the leadership framework, set the goals and mission of the club, and then asked my friends to start the organization with me. 


UCSB School on Wheels became an official organization in spring of 2021 and I served as the president from Spring 2021-Winter 2022. Within 3 quarters, UCSB SOW raised over $10,000 in grants, donations, and school supplies. In addition to serving as president, I planned and oversaw the fundraisers, lead recruitment, created the content for all social media, and continued volunteer work with School on Wheels. I am now working with other colleges to help begin and grow chapters on their respective campuses. 


Updated 03/22


Planned and organized all fundraisers. Instagram fundraisers, virtual school supply drives, and grants has helped UCSB SOW raise $10,000+ since spring 2021. 


Mentioned in the LA Times, OC Register, and The Bottom Line paper. UCSB SOW will also be featured in the School on Wheels Website


Thanks to our finance committee directors, UCSB School on Wheels became the first College Chapter to subsidize member live scan fees. We have acquired over $3000 in funding. 


Recruited 120+ UCSB Tutors within the first two quarters of being an official organization

Website Coming


Who Are We

©2021 by Katherine Dang

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